Wind farms can be extremely beneficial for farmers. Usually located on the top of ridges where the land is lower quality, farmers can keep the best quality land for agriculture and derive a second income by leasing ridgelines areas to wind power companies. Land Acquisition Inc. has the experience, commitment and reliability to ensure all of your right of way, environmental and surveying needs will be completed in a detailed and timely manner. This is a complex process that involves face-to-face interactions with land owners, navigating government regulations and most importantly, the accurate valuation and exchange of real estate.
We will staff your project with local experts, thoroughly trained in the processes and protocols by our experienced management team.
Our Promise:
- Understand community perspectives in relation to potential impacts and benefits of its projects.
- Build positive, trust-based relationships with the community.
- Enhance the understanding and acceptance of wind and solar energy and their role in providing clean energy to American energy users.

Services we provide in relation to Wind Farm
- GIS & mapping services
- Line lists, acquisition, construction and operations support
- Preliminary sketch/plats (desktop, prior to survey)
- Easement/Right of Way acquisition
- Options to purchase easements
- Easement amendments & supplemental agreements
- Budgeting
- Title Research
- Title curative
- Construction Support
- Project Management, administration & support
- Permitting governmental, state, federal and local agencies
- Fee property acquisition
- Surface location acquisition
- Document preparation
- Document Recordation & Data Management
- Subject matter experts & Litigation support
- Real Property Rights
- Accurate valuation and exchange of Real Estate
- Face-to-face interactions and development of relationships with landowners
The Land Acquisition Inc. Process
Land Acquisitions, Inc.
Acquisition service company with experienced agents and support team that bring right of way projects in on time and under budget.

GET In Touch
652 Chapel Hill Road,
Farmerville, LA 71241