These services include
- Acquisition of survey permission
- Survey permission line list and coordination with survey field crews
- Right of entry, right of use agreements
- Agricultural and silvicultural consulting and assessment
- Accurate valuation of real estate
- UAV (drone) services
Survey permission is acquired as soon as contact is established with the landowner impacted by the project. Permission may be granted verbally over the phone or in person depending on the landowner and the client's preferred method. Sometimes written permission to enter a property is required by either the client or the landowner, for instance, most timber/forestry companies will require a right of entry agreement for all of their properties. If a project is governed by FERC it will most likely require written permission from a landowner to complete a survey on the landowner's property. LAI is well versed in preparing and obtaining these types of agreements and will also compile and incorporate them into a line list and coordinate that information daily with the survey crews on the ground so they know what is and what is not accessible. Survey coordination plays a key part in any project, usually the landowner will get their first impression of a company by whoever the company sends, and entering a property without permission is a bad way to open negotiations. LAI's agents have years of experience with agricultural, silvicultural valuation, assessment and maintains a Louisiana Certified Forester on staff.
Land Acquisitions, Inc.
Acquisition service company with experienced agents and support team that bring right of way projects in on time and under budget.

GET In Touch
652 Chapel Hill Road,
Farmerville, LA 71241