These services include
- Digital and physical file completion
- Shipping/uploading all paperwork per clients desired specifications
Often overlooked or not included in cost estimation, file maintenance is a critical component of every project. At the end of the day, your project easement is only as good as the documentation that backs it up. If a company owns an asset, let's say a power line, and they begin the process of selling that asset, a potential buyer will likely ask to perform due diligence on the property rights and/or the equipment itself. In the case of property rights, an asset is more valuable if all of the property rights are properly documented and recorded. Assets with poor documentation drastically reduce the value of the asset since a potential buyer would have to consider an expensive curative process to ensure the rights are established. This is why LAI strives to provide our clients with the most comprehensive file documentation in the business. LAI also maintains the client information in our database so that it can be provided at any point in the future. Files are delivered to all clients in physical and digital formats for each project undertaken. Company specific databases are also managed and information is uploaded for the project as it is obtained per individual client specification.
Land Acquisitions, Inc.
Acquisition service company with experienced agents and support team that bring right of way projects in on time and under budget.

GET In Touch
652 Chapel Hill Road,
Farmerville, LA 71241